Attached are some of the emails and letters that we have already received from local residents who share our concerns over the recent thrust of aircraft noise in our Shire:

C.F. from ENGADINE:  I live in Engadine and I bought my house 15 years ago after living in Sydenham and being under the most heavy flight path imaginable. The Government bought my house because of the noise and demolished my house and I bought this house in Engadine as there were no flight paths and nor has there been for the last 15 years, until this year. I am so angry and disappointed that I am now subjected to planes flying over my house all day.I have retired this year and this is the last thing I want in my retirement. I lived with this noise for 15 years and now I have to put up with it again. This is so unfair, especially since I was not even consulted that this was going to happen. I was woken up this morning at 5.45am with aircraft noise as I am most mornings now and I am more than angry, I am Pis*** O**. I am now thinking of selling my house and moving, which I don't really want to do.

M.T. from GYMEA BAY:  We have lived in Gymea Bay & Kirrawee for 30 years and have never had a problem with aircraft flying overhead.  This house we purchased in late 1999 and have never heard aircraft up until a few months ago.  Now we have them flying directly over head from as early as 5.30 to late a night and they are flying quite low which increases the noise.   We would like to know why the flight path has changed and why the frequency of the planes.  I counted 10 in the half an hour a couple of Saturdays ago!

P.B. from KIRRAWEE: We live in Kirrawee (down the Kareela end for 30 years) and recently have noticed that planes have started coming over our home where as in the past you could see them come in from the south west and turn east over the national park. Last Tuesday night at about 8 pm there were 4 planes that came so low over our home that the whole house shook. In the morning they start at 6 am and this is new as planes rarely came over our house in the past. I would be happy to support your group is getting our neighbourhood returned to the quite area it once was.

H.B. from SYLVANIA:  We wish to register our objection to the current flight paths which are being used over our suburb. As residents of the area for over 25 years we can confirm with you that these flight paths are new and that aircraft movement did not cause us any concern prior to this year.

P.W. from OYSTER BAY: After living in Oyster Bay for 16 years I have never heard planes as low and loud as last night just before 10pm and just after 10pm.   i have been reading the reports of increased aircraft noise and seen an increase of planes overhead but until last night did not realise how others in the area have been affected.

M.Y. from GYMEA: My protestations to are replied with lame excuses there are storms out to sea and the planes are being diverted away from the storms. They advise the planes are travelling at 6000 ft and my comment that is 6000 ft too low.  But what about the last 10 years when there have been storms out to sea - we were not barraged with planes then.  They also spruke that the increase in air traffic is because the east-west runway has been re-opened and the planes are using the Boree 4 flightpath.   Tonight there has been a constant barrage of planes overhead from east to west since I arrived home at 6 pm and quite a bit lower than usual.  Regularly I am awoken at between 5.30 am and 6 am by flights overhead.   Planes also regularly go overhead from north to south at about the same height.   The other route is they come in from the west and then divert to the south and, although they are a fair way away, we get the backlash of aircraft noise.   We moved from near Cronulla Leagues Club in 2000 because of traffic and aircraft noise only to now be bombarded nearly constantly with aircraft noise.

C.B. from YOWIE BAY:  I wish to register my complaint regarding the early morning flights over the Yowie Bay area. We have been residents here for 18 years and have never had to endure the early 6am morning wake up flights over this area before, particularly Monday mornings!!! We appreciate the need for aircraft to move around and at times be diverted off their flight plans, but we did not purchase property in a flight path!

K.H. from GRAYS POINT: This morning, as most other mornings, we were bombarded by aircraft noise, beyond tolerable levels. My home wasn’t under a flight path when my husband and I bought it 8 years ago. Now, the planes fly at us, and over us from all directions, as early as 0530 hours. This noise is getting worse – last Tuesday there were 13 planes directly overhead, and 4 very close by in 37 minutes, starting from 0550 hours. No one seems to be listening. There is no noise sharing, we are taking the brunt of all the flights on most days.