As a first step, we ask that you submit your name & contact details (including an email address) to our database. Your name will not be passed onto any government department, aviation official, nor any third party whatsoever, without your express permission.

We are continuing to build our database so that we can keep our fellow residents informed of our progress, and so that we can quote our growing database numbers as a sign of our community relevance.

Please contact us by writing to:
[email protected]


Welcome to our website, initiated by  local residents who are determined to remove the increased Air Traffic suddenly thrust upon the Sutherland Shire.

Not all Sutherland Shire residents are affected by the noise equally, with different areas being affected in different ways. However, residents who are not affected now may very well be affected tomorrow.

Our fight against Airservices Australia has only just begun. Please feel free to browse through the other pages on this website which explains: 
 * THE ISSUES:  why we have suddenly become affected with aircraft noise,
 * WHAT TO DO:  ways in which YOU can help assist our cause,
 * SHIRE ANGER:  how your fellow residents (from all corners of the Shire) feel,
 * NEWS ARTICLES:  issues that have already been discussed in the media,
 * OUR PROGRESS:  recents efforts and progress by the committee of SEANAG.

Noise is an Environmental Pollutant.  It damages the environment in which we live and reduces the enjoyment we have from our surroundings.  We believe that the recent increases are avoidable.  Help us stop this increased pollution now, before Airservices Australia increases it again without Community Consultation.