This page lists the progress SEANAG has made in meeting our objectives:

NOV 2010: SEANAG committee was invited to provide representation at the lastmeeting of the Sydney Airport Community Forum  (SACF) on the 19th November. At this meeting we were able to participate and believe we provided very effective representation for the community of the Shire. We were also able to obtain an agreement from ASA that the answers to the IMC questions would be presented in January prior to the next SACF meeting February.

NOV 2010: SEANAG committee has been in contact with the new Sutherland Mayor, Phil Blight, who is keen to meet with our committee.
OCT 2010: Several community representatives and SEANAG met with with Mr Scott Morrison MP at his offices in Cronulla to receive an update on his continuing effort to support the interests of the Shire electorate.  We were greatly encouraged that he has opened formal dialogue with the Labor Federal Minister, Mr Anthony Albanese MP, on the current aircraft noise problems over the Sutherland Shire. 

OCT 2010: SEANAG committee
 raised awareness to the community at the Gymea Fair.


28/08/2010: SEANAG committee meeting implements a number of initiatves including Local Newspaper advertising, and meets with Councillor and SACF member Kevin Hill. 

13/08/2010: Sutherland Shire Mayor Lorraine Kelly confirms to the SEANAG committee that a presentation from AirServices Australia has been sought on the increase in Aircraft Noise over the last 18 months.

08/08/2010: SEANAG committee meeting implements a number of initiatves including flyer creation and distribution, Federal Election Day contact with residents, and future Information Days in other parts of the Shire.
02/08/2010: SEANAG sends both postal and email letters to Government Representatives, and to Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government (copy of letter below - Appendix A)

SEANAG holds an "Information Day" in conjuction with the Kareela Precinct Community Association at the Kareela Shopping Centre, where the aircraft Noise issue was discussed with the local residents, and a petition was circulated for signatures.

03/07/2010: SEANAG, Tony Williams and a number of concerned residents met with Shadow Minister Scott Morrison MP in his offices to discuss the Aircraft Noise issue in his electorate.

17/06/2010: Malcolm Kerr MP addressed State Parliament expressing concerns of residents over an increase in aircraft noise over their homes. Most of these residents have not suffered aircraft noise before and are alarmed that a new route has been put in place over their suburb. Barry Collier MP also addressed State Parliament over this same issue.

Scott Morrison MP addressed Federal Parliament on a motion that he submitted in September 2009 regarding the failure of this Government, and Airservices Australia, to fully implement the Long Term Operating Plan for Sydney Airport.


Appendix A:

The Kareela Precinct Committee
Aircraft Noise Sub Committee

2 August 2010

To those representing the Federal Government and The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.

Federal  Government
Prime Minister – Julia Gillard
Opposition Leader – Tony Abbott

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government.
Transport Minister – Anthony Albanese
Secretariat – Maxine McKew
General Manager Aviation Environmental Branch – David Southgate
Shadow Transport Minister – Warren Truss

Federal Candidates:-
Cook Electorate - Scott Morrison, Peter Scaysbrook, Naomi Waizer
Hughes Electorate – Craig Kelly, Brent Thomas, Susan Roberts

SACF Representatives:-
Kevin Hill, Lorraine Kelly, Scott Morrison 

Environmental Aviation Noise Pollution over The Sutherland Shire
As you are no doubt well aware , The Sutherland Shire (more so than any other area in Sydney) has, for over 2 years, been subjected to an unreasonable and extraordinary increase in aircraft traffic & resulting unacceptable levels of Noise Pollution.  We believe that this is as a direct result of Airservices Australia (AA) failing to implement the approved Long Term Operating Plan (LTOP) for arriving and departing aircraft.  Worse than that, they have introduced new low level concentrated flight paths for arrivals over our homes and are increasingly unnecessarily routing departing aircraft over the Shire as well.  This all happened, and is increasing, without any effective Community consultation and against the specific objectives and spirit of LTOP.  This has resulted in virtual highways in the air above us, and unlike any other highway there was no planning, consultation or approval process required before AA changed flight patterns to the detriment of the residents of the Shire.

As a result,  The
Kareela Precinct Committee has formed an Aircraft Noise Subcommittee whose function is primarily to liaise with appropriate Authorities to resolve the issue in a favourable manner for our communities.  We are therefore seeking support and cooperation form other residents throughout The Shire to present a united opposition to this disastrous lack of policy directives by the Government which allow AA to implement such flight paths.  These issues have been extensively highlighted recently (and in the past with) numerous complaints directed to Airservices, letters, emails, petitions, meetings, media reports, questioned in parliament, Senate Committee Report , etc etc, without a resolution

We have a large and growing membership and supporter data base of interested individuals . Over the past months we have held information booths on this issue and secured support for another petition from hundreds of residents whose addresses confirm a broad base of concern and opposition throughout the Sutherland Shire to the current policy of AA which sees the Shire bombarded by constant Aircraft noise from as early as 5.45am to 11pm at night.

This issue is being ignored by AA and we no longer have an Aviation Community Advocate representing us on the Sydney Airports Community Forum.  This is why we are currently organising a SHIRE WIDE Residents action group with sole objective of seeking a fair go for us and to reduce to a minimum the Aircraft Traffic & Noise blighting our homes.  Our group is not against the economic development of infrastructure.  We are solely concerned with the unnecessary increase of flights over residential areas when we have the ability to route the aircraft over the
Tasman Sea to the east of the city and the National Park to the south.  We are against the Environment Noise Pollution which we are having inflicted upon us. 

Now we have explained what we are about we would like to know what community values you place on the wellbeing and enjoyment of the environment that Shire residents are so concerned with.  We wish to be able to pass this information to our members and associated groups to enable them to make informed decisions in the upcoming Federal Elections.  These are matters that directly affect the seats of Cook and Hughes and The Senate representatives of affected Shire areas.

As a guide to what areas of policy or action you have or are planning to take we would be grateful if you could provide some information in relation to the points in Appendix A buy
Friday 13 August 2010.  We thank you sincerely for your time in responding to this important issue and the concerns of the electorates.

Yours Faithfully

Kareela Precinct Committee
Aircraft Noise Sub Committee.
Date -  2 August  2010
Postal Address : - SEANAG
                           PO Box 277        
NSW 2224
Return email address :-   [email protected]

Appendix A
Suggested Areas of Comment
1. Are you committed to actively supporting the full implement of the Long Term Operating Plan for SydneyAirport?
2. Will you support and assist political action for the abolition of the unnecessary flight path known as BOREE FOUR and use of the Eastern Seaboard approaches avoiding residential areas?
3. Are you willing to support and press for better noise sharing arrangements (as foreseen in LTOP) and less congested flight paths that operate over the shire?4. What are you feelings towards Environmental Pollution which damages the lives of thousands of households across Shire?
5. Given the opportunity what outcomes would you like to see with regards to improved Legislation to protect the Environment from Pollution from commercial operations such as Air Transport?
6. Do you support the permanent funded establishment of a Community Aviation Advocate to support and represent the Community before Committees, AA and Government?