Recent Committments from Our Politicians


Office of the Mayor
Administration Centre 4-20 Eton Street, Sutherland NSW 2232 Australia

Kareela Precinct Committee
Aircraft Noise Sub Committee (SEANAG)

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for sending me a copy of your email of 30 July 2010 and letter of 9 August 2010.

Council is aware that aircraft movements have become more concentrated within the flight corridors over the Sutherland Shire and are resulting in many residents being adversely affected by aircraft noise. This concentration of aircraft movement is contrary to the objectives of the Long Term Operating Plan which seeks a more equitable distribution of aircraft noise across Sydney.

Over the past 18 months, Council has been actively pursuing the issue of the concentration of aircraft noise in the Sutherland Shire with the Federal Government and Air Services Australia through the Sydney Airport Community Forum (SACF) and in its submission to the Senate Rural & Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee on the effectiveness of Airservices Australia's management of aircraft noise.

At its meeting on 9 August 2010, Council took the following decision :
That a report and presentation be sought from Airservices Australia and Mr Kevin Hill, community representative on the Sydney Airport Community Forum, concerning the current airport flight paths and aircraft frequencies and concerned Precinct Associations be invited to attend the presentation.

I have written to both Airservices Australia and Mr Kevin Hill in this regard. Once the meeting date has been set, Council will advise you according.

Yours sincerely

Councillor Lorraine Kelly


4 August 2010

Kareela Precinct Committee - Aircraft Noise Subcommittee
Dear Committee

Re: Aircraft Noise over Sutherland Shire

Thank you for your letter requesting my views on this very important issue that affects a large number of Shire residents.

As you will be aware I have been fighting on behalf of all Shire residents who are affected by aircraft noise for more than two years. From the time I first became aware that flight paths had been changed I acted raising those concerns with Airservices Australia and at the Sydney Airport Community Forum (SACF). With the assistance of the Aviation Community Advocate who was appointed by the Howard Government in 2007, I exposed the implementation of the new aviation navigation technology called RNAV by Airservices Australia on a standard arrival route known as Boree Four. Implementation of this technology drastically concentrated the width of the flight corridor from about 6km wide to less than 50m wide. I voiced strong opposition to these changes to flight paths both in the Australian Parliament and in the media.

I have continued to highlight the impact of Boree Four flight path upon Shire residents directly with the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government on numerous occasions and was advised that the construction of the Runway End Safety Area (RESA) project was responsible for the disturbance of the flight paths over the Shire. The Minister and Airservices Australia have denied repeated requests I have made for data of aircraft movements since completion of the RESA.

Flight paths operating Into and out of Sydney Airport must be in accordance with the Long Term Operating Plan for Sydney Airport and Associated Airspace, I will continue to hold the Government and Airservices Australia to account to fully abide by the Ministerial Direction of 1997 requiring the full implementation of LTOP.

I trust this information has been of assistance to your group ahead of the forthcoming election.

Yours sincerely

Scott Morrison MP Federal Member for Cook


1. The Coalition remains committed to the implementation of the Sydney Airport Long Term Operating Plan (LTOP) flight paths and targets to ensure that most flights occur over water and that aircraft noise is shared fairly.

2. The Coalition is committed to maintaining the curfew at Sydney Airport, the legislated cap on flight movements and access to Sydney Airport for regional airlines.

3. The Coalition will support the Sydney Aircraft Community Forum and restore the representation from parts of Sydney, like the north, that was removed by the Labor government.

4. The Coalition will provide funding for the re-instatement of a Community Aviation Advocate,

5. The Coalition wifl support the establishment of an Aircraft Noise Ombudsman independent of Airservices Australia.

6. The Coalition wii! ensure that there is full community consultation and engagement before the implementation of new flight path procedures such as Required Navigation Performance (RNP),